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1、wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival : the bonus to double again, career developed, further popularity helicopter again a little bit of fire, physical well-being bar again a bit, people see people love beauty more than a group of around you.

2、Good wine is very light, the longer the more alcohol; Good friends simply, the longer true; A good fit for a long time long, the end of time. Sincere friendship is lifetime. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

3、t because of change garments according to the not miss you, not because the road is not read you, not because busy and alienate you, more not because of time scouring and forget you, you are always my heart the most care about that person.



6、Five-color new filament winding Angle of reed, and the green Yang brought heavy rain man, palm leaf wrapped in friend, friendly care reed is difficult; The door on moxa Ye Xiang, ping an health life forever. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

7、Heard that during the Dragon Boat Festival this year out of the strange, I was just passing by, but I don't believe what I saw everything: the pig actually really like people took the mobile phone in text messages!

8、The Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I send you a back garden, the garden is planted tree of wisdom, the flow is the lotus spring, is comfortable flower, is a lucky bridge, wish good luck good mood, happy Dragon Boat Festival.





13、The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

14、Homemade a few jins of zongzi, passed to the mountain picked moxa leaf, street bought a bottle of realgar wine, coupled with deep inside how much concern, as a gift to you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!






20、really miss you so much, just can't see you, fortunately, and short message duanyang season greetings to you.


22、Hope Joe is dragon boat I send to you, a pair of artemisiae argyi give you peace, a bunch of peach blossom to send good luck to you, a sweet reed send blessing to you: happy Dragon Boat Festival!

23、Dragon Boat Festival, with blessing messages sent to you, wish you can eat can rest, I wish you every day smile happily, I wish you lift up his countenance eggs, I wish you fall pick up gold COINS, the stock market is bullish, the color field at large there is no enemy!

24、Send you a good luck reed, inside the parcel health m happy, good luck egg, and peace, mushroom, shrimp, longevity and good luck in the chestnut flower. If you receive will be a good fortune. Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


26、perhaps blessing is a kind of form, but it can bring a person's heart, warmth, hope my blessing also can bring warmth to your heart! Friends happy Dragon Boat Festival!

27、Send you a basket of hot dumplings, gently reminds do stuffing, generous tolerance when skin, with sincere blessing, pray with boiled water, eat a year good luck, lucky for life!



30、Good good Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat, side dish eggs and dumplings; Good good Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat, platforms, end AnDuan geely; Good good Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat, end the end your side flies. The Dragon Boat Festival, brought in a good mood, good life!


32、Don't just eat dumplings, remember to send to husbands, mother-in-law gift oh!

33、heart worried about you, a love blessing you, a true feelings in waiting for your response. I think you will be in the ends of the earth I love you will manifest sunset sunset, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

34、wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Miss the road, boundless boundless; The rainbow after the rain, beautiful moments; Cloud in the sky, the wind blows, in the heart of the boat, sail for love; Didn't see you, miss in the heart!





39、Again, the Dragon Boat Festival this year I didn't prepare special gift, just for my concern, sincerity, love, all these for you, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

40、WeiYe from the heart, I bless the glutinous rice, lotus seed of happiness and gratitude of cherry, portugal's dry, township of peanut, sweet red jujube, do a good reed, send to you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

41、此外,划龙舟也先后传入邻国日本、越南等及英国。1980年,赛龙舟被列入中国国家体育比赛项目,并每年举行“屈原杯”龙舟赛。1991年6月16日(农历五月初五),在屈原的第二故乡中国湖南岳阳市,举行首届国际龙舟节。在竞渡前,举行了既保存传统仪式又注入新的现代因素的“龙头祭”。 “龙头”被抬入屈子祠内,由运动员给龙头“上红”(披红带)后,主祭人宣读祭文,并为龙头“开光”(即点晴)。然后,参加祭龙的全体人员三鞠躬,龙头即被抬去汩罗江,奔向龙舟赛场。此次参加比赛、交易会和联欢活动的多达60余万人,可谓盛况空前。尔后,湖南便定期举办国际龙舟节。赛龙舟将盛传于世。


43、The Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I will send you a coat: pocket is warm, the collar is called care, sleeve is considerate, buttons missing; Let this coat tightly with you through every minute, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


45、Sound blessing, filar silk, clusters of thoughts, turned into a gift, stay in your heart, wishing you happiness during the holidays and all the best!